Terms and Conditions
BetNFT operates under a BETA phase
The BetNFT white paper consists of information given for discussion purposes only.
It in no way represents investment advice of any kind.
Further, it does not constitute an offer to sell shares or securities nor does it constitute a solicitation to buy such shares or securities. None of the information found in this whitepaper is intended to influence any investment decision nor should it be the basis of an investment decision of any kind. Independent financial advice should be sort within context of the countries of their citizenship or residence, and their place of business with respect to the acquisition, holding or trade in or any other tokens or our NFT’s and or $BetNFT token. The BetNFT whitepaper does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, for any person for whom it may be unlawful to participate in a token sale or BetNFT accusation. Those for whom it is unlawful should not participate. Seek your own independent legal advice to determine whether it is lawful for you to participate in this $BetNFT token sale and/or BetNFT purchase. This white paper should in no way be construed as being intended to create a contract for investment. This white paper may be revised, with the newest edition always appearing on our website. The latest edition will always supersede pervious editions. The most up-to-date version of the white paper will be clearly dated. We reserve the rights to change any/all decisions on all things listed in this whitepaper.
The Services are intended for users who are at least 18 years old. It is strictly prohibited for people under the age of 18 to use or register for the Services in whole or in part and to enter into the Website or the future App.
Our NFT’s may not be used in any way that would alter or modify artwork for third party sale. Strict copyrights and trademarks apply to all our NFT's and UI's. Those whom breach these conditions will be prosecuted under the laws of their country of residence.
Trading/Minting our NFT’s carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
The possibility exists that you could sustain a partial or total loss of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose.
BetNFT takes absolutely no legal or personal responsibility for anyone engaging, reading, holding and/or participating on our BetNFT platform, website and whitepaper.
BetNFT reserves the right to release new NFT's when we see fit. This may in turn differ from the roadmap projection which will be updated accordingly.
Last updated