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Can I play on my phone? Yes, but you will need to go through your metamask wallets browser. So you open up your metamask, click on this icon
And enter in our website address https://betnft.run/ Connect your wallet and use the site as you would normally would. We do recommend u only try watching races though in 3D on a phone as unless u have a new phone the 2D can be a big laggy.
My account amounts seem wrong?
Refresh your screen and reconnect your wallet again If it still doesn't work then wait a minute or two and try refreshing again. The polygon network might be slow due to high volumes of traffic
I go to enter a race and it says "I have no dogs eligible for this race?" Is your wallet connected?? Your dogs that are eligible for the race you selected should appear when you click on "Join Race" If this error message appears you maybe looking at your dogs bloodline not what CLASS level its currently at. If you're confident that all is right with your selection of dog v Class race then refresh your screen and reconnect your wallet again
I get this error "Unauthorized Invalid signature" when trying to join a race but yet my dogs appear ? This can happen again if the network is busy or if you've left the site and it sits there for a while and you go back to use it. Refresh your screen and reconnect your wallet again
Can also happen if you have insufficient funds so pls check your balance How do I name my Kennel?
Make sure you've connected your wallet, click on "Kennel" on the main page, click on "settings" and enter your kennel name.
Note; adding an image isn't available yet and inappropriate names will be banned
How do I name my Greyhound?
Make sure you've connected your wallet,
click on "Kennel" to see all your dogs, click on the greyhound you wish to name
Note; inappropriate names will be banned
Can I choose a box number to jump from?
No, just like in real life greyhound racing box draws are drawn. It can give an advantage to your dog if it draws its preferred starting box.
Will races start straight away once they are filled?
No, currently we have it setup to have races start by a certain time. Click on any race you choose to nominate for and it will show u the start time.
What happens if I enter a race and all the boxes/gates aren't filled come race start time?
The race will be "abandoned ", your greyhounds will be returned in your wallet. You can verify this by checking your race history. You will see the letter "A" under "PLACE" and also click on the dog to see the race result show abandoned.
Can I enter the same dog in multiple races at once?
Yes, currently we are encouraging you to race your dogs as much as possible to gain XP and improve your dogs speed. The cool thing about this is you can enter your dogs in many races, go about you day and come back to check your race history and watch the reply.
I entered a race, all boxes were filled but the race didn't show?
Most likely its because the race was filled to close to the start time. It may have looked like it accepted your nominated dog but behind the scenes the race has already timed locked entries out and has been abandoned. Try to enter at a minimum of 60 seconds to avoid having this happen.
Another rarer possibility is that it did race but didn't show for some reason. To check this. wait a minute, refresh your screen and then check "race results" or "My race history" to see if it did race but didn't show. If that happens u can watch it on reply and please let us know.
When can we breed our greyhound?
Not yet, but high on our priority list. Once we have enough genesis dogs out in the system then we can look to introduce it
Can I sponsor a race event?
Absolutely! Always happy to look at taking on submissions for race sponsorship. Pls email us at Admin@BetNFT.run
Something go wrong and u still cant work it out? The number one thing to do is to always refresh your page. This solves 98% of the problems and usually has nothing to do with us on our end. Cookies can play a part as well which sometimes means you have to clear your cache or browser history.
If this fails or you need help then please contact us to let us know either via email Admin@BetNFT.run or a quicker response through our discord on this link https://discordapp.com/channels/907415496503222302/948481745542594570