Participating/Racing Fees
Each paid race and or tournament can have entry fees that can be tallied by us as we see fit. Our initial standard racing fee is being set at 10% (max). This is where we take an overall 10% participant/racing fee from the event (after gates are filled), with then the balance to form the prize pool of the event. This fee will be in place, be varied (as low as possible) as we see fit and be based on our financial situation with excess funds going back into our community in the form of prize pools and giveaways. Why do we need have a racing fee?
We need to have a self sustainable game with a steady stand alone income stream for long term jeopardy.
There are ongoing costs to running this project and we've seen what can happen when other projects who have started well but have died out through lack of consistent revenue.
Having sponsors, selling gen NFT's and living off breeding costs are all well and good to get things started but they aren't going to provide a long term sustainable game. They require outside influence and a turn over of constant new players/NFT's into the market. It can lead to the over population of worthless NFT's and in turn a low floor price for both gen bloodlines and secondary sales. In times when there aren't many new players joining or breeding is down, sponsors are gone how would any game survive long term without having a racing fee?! It simply wouldn't, the funds eventually would dry up and then everyone losses. So, we want our game to be able to stand on its own two feet even without solely relying on the influencing factors mentioned, which dont get us wrong, all have there place within reason. And of course and importantly for the users a racing fee also allow us to use any excess funds to put back into the community through things like free paid event tournaments, special events and topping up prize pools. Something that we see as super vital to spread the hard earned throughout those whom are willing to put it up for a chance to win. Just remember though, as we all know, the reality is that someone has to lose in order for someone to win. So don't spend beyond your means!.
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